Welcome to PACROFI XIV
We are delighted to host the fourteenth PACROFI conference at Rice University

What you will learn
The biennial PACROFI conference series has been a leading international forum for the presentation of fluid and melt inclusion research. We anticipate a vibrant meeting of researchers from academia, industry, and government. We invite you to attend!
Oral Presentations
Keynote lectures will be allotted 40 minutes each. All other oral presentations will be allotted 20 minutes each. We ask that each speaker reserve five minutes at the end of his or her allotted time for audience questions and discussion. An LCD projector, desktop computer (MAC), laser pointer, document camera and speakers will be available for all presenters. Please bring presentations on a flash drive with back up. All oral presentations will be given in Sewall Hall (building 39 on map).
Poster Presentations
Posters must fit within a 4 ft × 4 ft (121 cm ×121 cm) space. Posters will be mounted using push pins, which will be provided by the conference. All posters will be displayed in the hallway adjacent to Sewall Hall (building 39 on map).
Please be sure that you or one of your co-authors is present at your poster during the designated poster sessions to answer questions from conference participants.

Rice University
The Mission of the Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences Department at Rice University is to pursue excellence in research, education and outreach in the fields of earth, environmental, energy, and planetary sciences. Our host for this conference is Cin-Ty Lee, Department Chair for the Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences Department at Rice University.
Keynote speakers
A list of our valued keynote speakers
Please check back as the schedule with be updated as new sessions are added.
The schedule for the conference itself will be established after the May 15th deadline for submission of abstracts. The organizing committee will review them and assign them to oral or poster presentations during the conference.The keynote addresses will also be scheduled at that time and added to the conference schedule.
CANCELLED. Moved to 6/12.
Ice Breaker Reception
Conference Registration
Conference Registration
Talk 1
“Constraining the history of fluid events using the fluid inclusion assemblage (FIA) method for collecting, displaying and interpreting microththermometric data”
Dr. Andras FallTalk 2
“Fluid inclusion applications to understanding diagenetic systems”
Professor Bob Goldstein & Dr. Zhaoqi LiTalk 3
“Application of fluid inclusions in petroleum exploration”
Dr. Stephen BeckerTalk 4
“Mapping and Evaluating: Production; Near By Economic Pay; and Paleo Pay Zones. Rock Volatiles Stratigraphy of New and Old PDC Cuttings”
Dr. Mike Smith & Bill MurphyConference Registration
Information about this section is to be determined.
Information about this section is to be determined.
Field trip to the Eagle Ford Shale exploring strata in road cuts along U.S. Highway 90, northwest of Del Rio, TX. Limited to 25 participants, may expand capacity if demand merits.
Organizing Committee
Conference Directors: Mike Smith and Gary Gray
Our sponsors
these awesome companies support us
- Rice University
6100 Main St, Houston, TX - info@pacrofi.com
- 1-918-671-0355